Same Amazing Wine Fresh New Look

Our wines have taken you on a sojourn for 20 years, and now our labels and imagery will do the same as we embrace the true meaning of our name and continue our journey.

sojourn cellars vineyard
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sojourn cellas winemakers holding glasses of wine

Message From our Winemakers

Thank you for your loyal support of Sojourn Cellars. This year we are celebrating the 20th vintage of Sojourn wines. As we surpass this milestone, we are introducing a fresh new look and elevating our wine labels. We invite you to follow along on our journey, providing you with an insider’s perspective to our new Sojourn look and feel.

What’s in the bottle is the same great wine you are accustomed to. Our winemaking team remains unchanged, as does our commitment to crafting memorable wines from exceptional vineyards in Sonoma and Napa Valley.

We look forward to a full launch of the new labels with the Spring 2024 Wine Release that begins on January 16th.
Enjoy your Sojourn!

Erich and Randy

Our New Look

vineyard during a sunny day
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New Logo

A sojourn is a brief respite on a journey, a break from life as usual. So is our wine. Sojourn wines invite you to sit back and stay a while.

The “O” in the Sojourn logo represents the sun. It is an invitation to soak in the rays, enjoy a sense of presence in the moment, and embark on your sojourn.

sail boat in front of san fanscico bridge
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Travel Imagery

We are truly embracing our name with imagery for the new labels representing moments in time and destinations on life’s journey. Let our wines transport you with different images each new vintage.

sojourn cellars arches

Colors and Arches

We utilize the colors of California wine country; sunny days, the cool ocean, the depth of the rocks and soils that surround us, and the green of the vibrant trees and vineyards.

The archway represents a doorway into your journey through the California wine country terroir that defines our Sojourn wines. Step through and be swept away into another world full of possibilities, elegance, and adventure.

sojourn cellars new bottles of wine

Introducing our new labels

Our wine transports a person to moments of rest, a sojourn in life’s journey. Our new label designs express this by depicting imagery that evokes feelings of movement from one place to another, a journey towards a destination of rest and laughter. Open a bottle and be swept away into another world; a world of possibilities, elegance, and adventure.

Pinot Noir

sojourn labels RGB premium pinot sangiacomo front
sojourn labels RGB standard pinot sonomacoast front


chardonnay durel vineyard sojourn cellars
sojourn labels RGB standard chard sonomacoast front

Cabernet Sauvignon

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sojourn landingpage cab NEW 02


sojourn labels RGB standard rose roseofpinotnoir front


sojourn labels RGB standard brut methodechampenoise front

Our Commitment to quality

Visit Us at our Tasting Salon

We love sharing our wines at our intimate Tasting Salon, because there’s little in life that surpasses a connected experience over wine.

sojourn tasting room and wine glasses